On behalf of 1702 Pine, LLC, Arts Services Initiative (ASI) invites Western New York-based visual artists working in two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums to submit proposals for an outdoor public art project located at 1702 Pine Avenue in Niagara Falls, New York. The mural will appear on the building’s west-facing façade facing 17th Street.


  • Deadline: Friday, December 6, 2019; 5 PM
  • Submission guidelines: Proposals must be sent electronically as a PDF to [email protected] with the subject line “1702 Pine Ave Proposal”
  • Budget: A commission of up to $9,000 will be available for the chosen artist to create and install their work, with some installation assistance available, including a bucket truck and some materials to complete the project


  • December 6, 2019; 5 PM: Deadline to submit
  • January 2020: Selection of artist
  • February 2020: Public announcement of selection
  • Spring 2020: Mural implementation and planning meetings; completed and installed work (pending weather)


  • Work must reflect both the history of Garibaldi (an Italian political hero from the 19th century) as well as the promise and hope for the future of Niagara Falls
  • Final mural must have an expected lifespan of at least five years unprotected from the elements
  • For photographs of the space, a full RFP with images can be found here

For questions, contact ASI at [email protected].