Arts Services Inc. (ASI) empowers the region’s artists and arts organizations with connections to funding, learning opportunities, and community access to the arts. We are a resource hub for the Western New York arts and cultural sector.

ASI envisions a region where inclusive creative communities are valued and visible, and where artists and arts organizations have access to the resources needed to advance and thrive.

At ASI, we firmly believe the arts belong to everyone. By creating opportunities with the arts, we’re crafting a future where people of all backgrounds can connect and find community.

We are grateful for the generous support from our sponsors:

ASI gold and purple logo and text "Arts Services Inc"


Each spring, ASI publishes an annual report so that board members and other stakeholders can see how we’ve been working to realize ASI’s mission and vision. The report includes an update on our current programs and services, finances and other statistics, and a complete list of donors and supporters. You can peruse the most recent annual report by using the arrows on either side of the viewer or download the PDF version of a previous report below.


ASI is a proud member of the New York Council of Non Profits (NYCON), Americans for the Arts, Greater Buffalo Cultural Alliance, Cultural Alliance of Niagara, Amherst of Chamber of Commerce, One Region Forward, NY Funders Alliance, Association of Fundraising Professionals, and BoardStrong WNY (formerly CharityStrong WNY).