Be part of ASI’s evolution. Help us raise $10,000 for 10 years!
We are delighted to celebrate with you as we embark upon our 10th anniversary with a revised name, Arts Services Inc. (ASI), and a new logo. As we move into our next phase, we continue to envision a region where inclusive creative communities are valued and visible, and where artists and arts organizations have access to the resources needed to advance and thrive.
With your help we will be able to reach our goal of $10,000 for 10 years! Your support helps us fulfill our mission of empowering the region’s artists and arts organizations with connections to funding, learning opportunities, and community access to the arts and lead as the resource hub for the Western New York arts and cultural sector.
Every contribution aids ASI in our efforts to serve as a unified voice throughout the region, and to advocate on behalf of the arts and cultural sector. From the Spark Awards and Creative Professionals Exchange to Arts Access and Give for Greatness to COVID related support and opportunities for the field, ASI maximizes every dollar donated by providing critical and creative grants, programs, and services for free or at low cost.
We know we have an important year ahead of us; we would not be as successful without your support. We look forward to continuing to expand our services and assist the field through all its challenges with your help.
Click here to donate online.
Click here to download and print a form that can be mailed to us at: Arts Services Inc., 2495 Main St, Suite 422, Buffalo, NY 14214.
We appreciate your continued support of ASI and the WNY arts and cultural community! With your help, we will all make it through this challenging time stronger.