Creative Professionals Exchange (CPX) 2020
Friday-Saturday, November 6-7, 2020

In 2019, ASI created the Creative Professionals Exchange (CPX) to bring together individual artists and arts administrators to begin discussions about relevant issues and trends in the arts. This year, the COVID-19 health crisis has brought to the surface many of the systemic issues and flaws members of our community face, including lack of access and inclusion within the arts sector.

Our 2020 conference theme of “Reimagining the Creative Industry” will take a deep dive into how the arts can help support those communities that have been devastatingly impacted by COVID and left behind, while ensuring all art is accessible to and representative of the entire community we live in.

We all understand the impact the arts have on our daily lives. The arts are more than 10,000+ full time equivalent Western New York jobs. They are more than the $352M economic impact on Western New York. The arts help us make sense of the world or help us escape from the world. They give us a channel to express ourselves and build our confidence as individuals. The arts build connections and networks, and develop our capacity for empathy. The arts are a source of healing. And now, more than ever, the arts are essential.

Through a series of conversations, presentations, and networking, we hope to inspire artists and arts administrators to evaluate their work and its impact on the community, consider which voices are missing, and find ways to include those missing voices in what they do. As leaders in our field, it’s our responsibility to support each other and lift each other up, and there is no better time to consider the impact of our work than during a global crisis.

We hope you’ll join us for this virtual conversation and be part of the movement to re-imagine the creative industry.

Click here to view the full conference schedule and learn more.

Join us for CPX2020!

Click here to register for the 2020 conference.


Full Conference – $75/person
Join us for the full CPX experience! Registration includes access to all presentations, discussions, and other opportunities available throughout the conference.

One Day – $40/person
Can’t commit to the full conference? Join us for only one day. Registration includes access to all presentations, discussions, and other opportunities available on the day you select.

One Session – $15/person per session
Only interested in one or two presentations? You can register for single presentations instead of the entire conference.

After you register, a staff member will be in touch with more details and allow you to select which presentations you would like to attend live.

Those who register for the full conference or one day will receive access to all the presentations that take place during the time they were registered for. This includes link to join the conversation live, as well as recordings to view the discussion after the fact. Anyone who registers for one session will receive a link to attend that session live and will receive the recording of that session following the conference.

If you want to join us for this year’s conference but can’t afford the registration fee, reach out to Holly Grant at [email protected] or 716-833-3004 x512 to receive the scholarship application form.